Why choose Pro Side?

Twin Lakes, Kaledon BC

Twin Lakes, Kaledon BC


You want to improve your golf game, but you don’t know how. You’ve watched hundreds of hours of YouTube tutorials and your swing coach is asking you to put your body in positions your body doesn’t go in. You step up to the first tee with 982798237 swing thoughts and rip your Pro V1x Left Dash into the woods. You’re ready to quit. In a last ditch effort to figure out this beautiful game, you decide to get your movement assessed by a Titleist Performance Institute Golf Fitness Professional. Your life is about to change. You’re ready to have fun again. You are the Wolf and you’re going alone.


Royal Hawaiian, Oahu Hawaii

Royal Hawaiian, Oahu Hawaii


You’ve been assessed and the world now makes sense. You need to improve your lead hip internal rotation so you can transfer your weight and stop relying on casting your club just to make contact. But how do you do this without making it a conscious effort? How do you convince your brain to let your body do that without having to ask permission every time? Luckily your fitness coach has more than a decade of experience doing exactly this thing. You’re going to improve your swing mechanics, your distance off the tee AND you’re going to look and feel good doing it. The best part, you won’t even feel like you’re working on golf, so you brain won’t be trying to link the two. This place is a science-backed miracle. You’re telling all your friends about it right after you take their money.


Crown Isle, Courtenay BC

Crown Isle, Courtenay BC


You’re feeling stiff because you walked 36 holes yesterday and used muscles that have been on the deep freeze for the past forever and you’re concerned you won’t be ready to repeat. You’ve heard of Fascial Stretch Therapy and how it’s basically if Thai Massage, Active Release Therapy, and PNF Stretching had a baby, but everyone’s clothes stayed on. It sounds good. It felt even better. You’re ready to be dormie at the turn tomorrow. You’ll keep this your secret for now.
