Pain free distance off the tee

Find out how we can help you play your best golf for years to come. Contact us below.

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Why we are different

At Pro Side, we recognize and address your body’s neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular, and vision systems asymmetries. The majority of golfers are biased towards right side dominance (right stance) due to these naturally occurring phenomena. For example, we all have a right diaphragm that drives respiration more than the left due to its higher and lower crural attachments. This often leads to a right rotation in the spine and pelvis where the right hemi-pelvis is internally rotated and posteriorly tilted & the left is externally rotated and anteriorly tilted. What does this mean for your golf swing? If you’re in this pattern, it means you’re more likely to sway in your backswing and early extend. Two golf shot killers.

Work with us to learn how to restore reciprocal function during locomotion, respiration, and rotation during your everyday activities (golf).

Click the link above to book a consultation and find out how we can help you play your best golf!


Personalized Fitness Plan

A TPI swing analysis and golf fitness plan will help you more than 10,000 hrs of YouTube tutorials and buying a new driver.

It’s cheaper too!